Comics Head receives 5 Star Certification for the second time!

Once again, Comics Head bags the prestigious 5 Star Certification from the Educational App Store. With the recent new updates in version 3.0, Comics Head has grown high and mighty in pleasing its users. We are happy to know that the team of teachers at the Educational App Store themselves believe in the app’s goodness and were kind enough to give us a positive review on their website. The review explains how Comics Head is an intuitive tool to learn with, given the extravagant features, layouts, editing options and art assets. To begin with, the reviewer meticulously talks about each new feature that was recently launched in the 3.0 update. The article then moves on to describe the numerous options based on the top menu, to help create your comic and ends with a generous ounce of praise.

Read the full Review here

Check out the new features in this promo video

Links to the iPad App:

