TiECON is being held this year on November 27 at the Chennai Trade Centre.The theme of TiECON CHENNAI 2009 is ‘Enterpising India – Creating Tomorrow’s Entrepreneur’.
This all-day event has assembled a list of business leaders to deliver keynote addresses and participate in panel discussions covering exciting topics.
As TiE Chennai’s Multimedia Media Partner, we have designed and developed the conference website www.tieconchennai.org, Event emailer, Exhibition Promotion emailer, poster, web banner campaign, print banner, conference ‘standees’, etc. We are also producing a TV Commercial for a campaign in NDTV, among other collaterals.
TiE Chennai is part of TiE, founded in Silicon Valley in 1992 by successful entrepreneurs and professionals with roots in the Indus region. TiE has 53 Chapters in 12 countries, spread across 5 continents, with 11,000 members and 2,500 charter members, who are the top entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, lawyers and management professionals in their chosen field.